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How does Blissborn Hypnotherapy for Childbirth Course make childbirth calmer, easier and more comfortable?

What makes the Blissborn Hypnosis for Childbirth Course more effective than other courses?
What are the benefits of using hypnosis for pain control? e Blissborn Hypnotherapy for Childbirth Classes help me in my life after my child is born?
Interesting Childbirth Links
How can taking the Blissborn Hypnosis for Childbirth Classes help me in my life after my child is born?
Interesting Childbirth Linkse:14px; font-weight:bold">      Hypnosis How does Blissborn Hypnosis for Childbirth Course make childbirth calmer, easier and more comfortable?

     Hypnosis is a perfect complement to labor and birth.  It promotes a deeply relaxed state in the laboring mother which allows her body to open gently, without resistance.  In our class, we teach the Blissborn method of hypnosis for childbirth.  Blissborn is a childbirth education class emphasizing the power of the mind to create a blissful birth that’s faster, easier and more likely to proceed naturally. It combines the best of science, medical knowledge, mind-body therapy and childbirth education in a fun and inspiring class.  In class, students learn how to go into hypnosis instantly with each contraction, in any situation – even opening your eyes and walking around.  They are guided to their innate wisdom and power so that their childbirth experiences are more fulfilling on all levels.

   These techniques benefit the baby as well, by reducing the causes of distress and helping to create a calmness that often persists well into the first year.  They benefit families, by deepening the bonds that brought them to this high point in their lives.  Thus, Blissborn presents a class series that not only improves birth, but also improves lives.

   In Blissborn classes you will learn - self-hypnosis, practical skills for mom and partner that can be used beyond birth, how to birth without fear, and comfort techniques to eliminate or reduce pain. You will discover how hypnosis and childbirth are a perfect match.  For every challenge childbirth presents, hypnosis has an answer.  It’s fun and exciting as you learn to tap into your own innate wisdom to find your own solutions.

  Classes are offered for couples generally beginning in weeks 28-32. Each class builds on the last and features hypnosis experience, activities, discussion, and special training for birth partners.  Practice CDs are included for homework and independent self-hypnosis practice. The practice is an important part of the training. Those who practice have the best results.ation that may be taught tends to be lighter and harder to attain than the deep state of hypnosis you will learn to attain instantly with the BlisWhat makes the Blissborn Hypnosis for Childbirth Course more effective than other courses?

    For the most part, childbirth education classes tend to focus on the conscious mind and using willpower. Relaxation that may be taught tends to be lighter and harder to attain than the deep state of hypnosis you will learn to attain instantly with the Blissborn Hypnosis for Childbirth Course. With Blissborn, hypnosis is not just used as a comfort measure.

  With the Blissborn Hypnosis for Childbirth Course, you learn powerful hypnosis skills and how to use them on your own instantly. You learn about your amazing body and what you can expect during labor and birth. You learn how to release your fears so you are empowered during the birth process. You learn powerful techniques to eliminate or reduce pain. There are no facts or breathing patterns to memorize. Much of your learning will happen easily in hypnosis. Focus is on the positive, knowing that what we focus on we tend to get. The time you spend in hypnosis during class and practice sessions helps you to release tension and anxiety, increase your confidence, improve your sleep and give you a more positive outlook. There is also a strong focus on the partner’s involvement teaching the partner how best to work with the laboring mother. The strong bond of working together often brings better communication and confidence between mom and partner which benefits the entire family.

  Only the most highly trained hypnosis practitioners are certified as instructors of the Blissborn Hypnosis for Childbirth Course. It is a thorough, science-based birth class created by Certified Clinical Medical Support Hypnotherapists, Shelley Black and Laura Wood, who used these techniques in the birth of their own children.

YES, IT REALLY WORKS!o sleep better
  •  Babies have a higher Apgar score
  •  Fewer stress hormones in baby’s syWhat are the benefits of taking the Blissborn Hypnosis for Childbirth Course?

    Benefits for Babyss

  •  Babies enter the world naturally
  • Benefits for Mom

    1. Eliminate or minimize pain
    2. Shorten labor
    3. Let go of fears and learn how to cope with anything
    4. Increase your sense of control
    5. Triple your chance of having a natural labor & birth
    6. Meet other like-minded couples in a fun, easy class (great CDs too!)
    7. Set aside time every week to relax and learn about birth
    8. Develop a deeper connection with your partner as he/she learns what really helps you
    9. Reduce complications, bleeding, recovery time, baby blues and post-partum depression
    These are the top reasons given by Blissborn students, and they are also the top benefits reported by parents in interviews after their births.   

    What are the benefits of using hypnosis for pain control?

      Many studies* have cited that women using hypnosis for birth experienced the following:

    1. Required pitocin half as often to start or speed labor
    2. Had shorter labors (about 6 hours compared to 9-12 hours for first time mom’s)                           
    3. Experienced much less pain or no pain at all
    4. Were 3 times more likely to not need an epidural
    5. Received less medication when it was needed
    6. Had fewer complications
    7. Required fewer interventions
    8. Had more frequent vaginal births
    9. Had babies with higher Apgar scores (a measure of overall health of baby after birth)
    10. Had depressions much less frequently after birth
    11. Recovered faster and more comfortably
    CIMS (Coalition for Improving Maternity Services) Expert Work Group, 2007. Mother-Friendly Childbirth – Highlights of the Evidence. Journal of Perinatal Education, Vol.16, Supplement 1.

    Goer,H. (1999). The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth. New York, NY: Bantam Dell.

    Gaskin, I. M. (2003). Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth. New York, NY: Bantam Dell.

    Wildner, K. (2003). Mother’s Intention: How Belief Shapes Birth.  Ludington, MI: Harbor & Hill Publishing.

    What are people saying about their Blissborn childbirth experience?

    • “I am excited to let you know that we have had our baby…It was a beautiful, fast labor and I am now an advocate of Blissborn!  I was so calm and relaxed that when I first went in they sent me walking with the option to go home for 2 hours.  I walked for less than an hour and had a feeling I needed a room.  While we were waiting for our room my water broke and in less than thirty minutes our newest addition A. was here…       The team in OB triage called me a stop and drop.  The birth was completely natural, not even an IV.  The midwife, nurses and doctors were so amazed and asked me so many questions…I am recovering very quickly.  Everyone can’t stop talking about how calm A. is.  Using hypnosis was truly an amazing experience.”  Nina and Eric

    • “R. and I talk about the Blissborn class and techniques we learned to every expecting parent that we know.  I am still so glad because I was able to experience the feeling of M. being born.  And that is a gift that I will have for the rest of my life.”  P. and R.

    • “Using Blissborn for our birth experience was one of the best decisions we ever made.  Unlike most couples we’ve met who eagerly moved on from the pain or embarrassment of their birth experiences, we love reliving ours and remembering how connected we felt that day to our newborn son.  The sense of calm brought about from using hypnosis was irreplaceable.  As the laboring mother, I felt in control of the entire birthing process.  My birth was quick, interesting and virtually painless – so much so that I can’t wait to do it again.  I feel completely empowered with what my body accomplished on it own, without the aid of any intervention.  On top of all that, our son is a remarkably calm baby, which we think had a lot to do with his relaxed entry into the world.  Our advice to you is simply to believe you can do it, know that it works, and whole-heartedly enjoy the process of connecting these weeks of hypnosis study with the birth of your new baby”  Mindy and Craig 

    • “M. was born early this morning after a few hours of labor…An empowering, positive birth experience.”  Katy

    • “It was a beautiful and powerful experience and I have my Blissborn classes to thank.  I’m positive this was the reason behind my mostly comfortable time in labor land.  I feel blessed to have had such a peaceful yet powerful birthing experience.”  Caroline and Jeff "  return

    How can taking the Blissborn Hypnotherapy for Childbirth Classes help me in my life after my child is born?

        Let’s face it, life today is at a very fast pace and many of us are racing just to keep up. We often feel stressed but do not take the time to relax or we have just forgotten how to relax. With the techniques learned in the Blissborn Hypnotherapy for Childbirth Course, you not only learn how to relax, you learn how to do it anywhere, under any condition. Therefore, you can use your new skills to make life easier and more comfortable for you, anytime, anywhere! For example, you can use the techniques you learn to relax, speed healing, jumpstart breastfeeding, get by on less sleep, relieve pain, even to return to your pre-pregnancy birth weight!   return

        Let’s face it, life today is at a very fast pace and many of us are racing just to keep up. We often feel stressed but do not take the time to relax or we have just forgotten how to relax. With the techniques learned in the Blissborn Hypnosis for Childbirth Course, you not only learn how to relax, you learn how to do it anywhere, under any condition. Therefore, you can use your new skills to make life easier and more comfortable for you, anytime, anywhere! For example, you can use the techniques you learn to relax, speed healing, jumpstart breastfeeding, get by on less sleep, relieve pain, even to return to your pre-pregnancy birth weight!   return

  • Try out a few acupressure points to help in labor.
  • Read about the findings of the second Listening to Mothers study.
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    Hypnosis, Hypnotic Coaching, OB, and Directional Healing are not the practice of medicine, psychology or psychiatry, and are not intended to be a replacement for diagnosis or treatment of any complaint or ailment. Individuals should seek appropriate medical or professional intervention as needed. The contents of this website are for educational purposes only.