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Directional Healing TM

   Directional Healing?
   Understanding Energy
   A Healing Exercise to Experience

Directional Healing

     Directional Healing, a vibrational healing which works through resonance, removes blocks that impede circulation to allow free-flowing internal communication. Healing occurs in the physical as well as the subtle inner bodies, addressing the needs of the body, mind and spirit. Toxins, congestion and inflammation may be cleared physically; fears, stress and old patterns may be cleared mentally and emotionally, thus improving health as well as life experience. As balance is restored, a deep sense of relaxation and harmony is often experienced. This may result in feelings of peace and love, deep personal insights or guidance for direction on a person’s next step on their life’s journey. A practitioner serves as a facilitator with the individual and Spirit, the universal life force, for healing of the body’s innate intelligence and immune system thus restoring harmony and balance. With the emergence of the field of quantum physics, it’s currently believed that all matter is structured energy. Because Directional Healing works at the energetic or quantum level, changes may be experience physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually.     return

Understanding Energy

    In today’s fast-paced world, we may find ourselves expending more energy than we truly have to spend. This can cause us to use our reserve energy, intended for emergency use only, for daily living activities, resulting in a severe imbalance. Health is produced by the interaction of body, mind and spirit through subtle energy pathways. As blockages are cleared, our natural flow of energy is restored, allowing us to experience the full amount of pure love and energy available to us.

     Current research has shown that the energy associated with our thought patterns and belief system has a profound impact on physical matter. Thus small adjustments in this energetic field can influence one physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

A Healing Exercise to Experience

    Lie down, or sit on a comfortable chair. In your mind’s eye, picture the most beautiful and powerful waterfall you can imagine. Hear the sound of the water as it cascades downward. See the rainbows of light reflected in the water. Now notice that the falling water has changed into waves of the purest light, and the sound has become a hum. This endless wave of light is pouring into your entire body. If you are sitting, it is pouring through the top of your head. If you are lying down, it is pouring through your heart or the space between your eyebrows. As the light and sound cleanse and restore you, you may experience warmth, coolness or see colors. Stay in the experience for about 20 minutes. Express gratitude for your healing. Repeat this exercise every day for several weeks .   return

Directional Heaing is trademarked and copyrighted by Susan Spalding

Hypnosis, Hypnotic Coaching, OB, and Directional Healing are not the practice of medicine, psychology or psychiatry, and are not intended to be a replacement for diagnosis or treatment of any complaint or ailment. Individuals should seek appropriate medical or professional intervention as needed. The contents of this website are for educational purposes only.